15 The hotel
There are plenty of good hotels in London and you're nearly always sure of finding room in one or other of them. Sill, if you don't want to be disappointed, especially during the holiday season, it's better to engage a room beforehand. You'll find London hotels just the same as hotels in all large cities. As a rule, you go into a large entrance-hall or lounge, where visitors are constantly coming and going.
The porter takes your luggage and you go to the reception desk to see about room and get your key. Then the page takes you up to your room in a lift.
The people in the office will always help you if you don;t know your way about the town. They'll tell you where to go and what to see. They'll book seats for you at the theatre and do all they can to make your stay a pleasant one.
If you want a guide to show you round, or an interpreter for a business interview, they'll get you one. If you have to write business letters and can type, they'll provide you with a typewriter. If on the other hand, you prefer to dictate your letters, they'll get you a shorthand-typist.
If your wife is going to be with you, she'll find plenty to amuse her. She'll be able to spend her time looking at the shops while you're busy.
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