18 Ordering a meal
Is this table free, waiter?
I'm sorry, sir, these two tables have just been reserved by telephone, but that one over there's free.
What a pity! We wanted to be near the dance-floor. Still, it doesn't matter, we'll take it. ... The menu, please.
Here you are, sir. Will you dine _xxxx_ or take the table _xxxx_?
Well, let's see. What do you think, darling?
Oh, I don't want much to eat, I'm not very hungry. ... I think I'll have -er -some oxtail soup and fried plaice with chips.
Hm. I'm rather hungry. I'll start with some hors _xxxx_.
And to follow?
A grilled steak with baked potatoes and peas.
Will you have anything to drink, sir?
Well, I am rather thirsty. Bring me half a pint of bitter. What about you, darling?
Well, I don't care for beer, but I will have a glass of sherry.
Very good. ... What sweet would you like?
I'll have fruit salad.
So will I. And we'll have two coffees, please.
Black or white?
White please. Oh and two liqueur brandies.
What a lovely waltz they're playing. Shall we dance?
Yes, I'd love to ...
Waiter! The bill, please.
Here you are. Thank you very much, sir.
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