XML Format Model

The SYS_XMLGEN function returns an instance of type XMLType containing an XML document. Oracle provides the XMLFormat object, which lets you format the output of the SYS_XMLGEN function.

Table 2-20 lists and describes the attributes of the XMLFormat object. The function that implements this type follows the table.

Table 2-19  Attributes of the XMLFormat Object
Attribute Datatype Purpose



The name of the enclosing tag for the result of the SYS_XMLGEN function. If the input to the function is a column name, the default is the column name. Otherwise the default is ROW. When schemaType is set to USE_GIVEN_SCHEMA, this attribute also gives the name of the XMLSchema element.



The type of schema generation for the output document. Valid values are 'NO_SCHEMA' and 'USE_GIVEN_SCHEMA'. The default is 'NO_SCHEMA'.



The name of the target schema Oracle uses if the value of the schemaType is 'USE_GIVEN_SCHEMA'. If you specify schemaName, then Oracle uses the enclosing tag as the element name.



User-provided processing instructions, which are appended to the top of the function output before the element.

The function that implements the XMLFormat object follows:

  STATIC FUNCTION createFormat(
     enclTag IN varchar2 := 'ROWSET',
     schemaType IN varchar2 := 'NO_SCHEMA',
     schemaName IN varchar2 := null,
     targetNameSpace IN varchar2 := null,
     dburlPrefix IN varchar2 := null, 
     processingIns IN varchar2 := null) RETURN XMLGenFormatType,
  MEMBER PROCEDURE genSchema (spec IN varchar2),
  MEMBER PROCEDURE setSchemaName(schemaName IN varchar2),
  MEMBER PROCEDURE setTargetNameSpace(targetNameSpace IN varchar2),
  MEMBER PROCEDURE setEnclosingElementName(enclTag IN varchar2), 
  MEMBER PROCEDURE setDbUrlPrefix(prefix IN varchar2),
  MEMBER PROCEDURE setProcessingIns(pi IN varchar2),
     enclTag IN varchar2 := 'ROWSET',
     schemaType IN varchar2 := 'NO_SCHEMA',
     schemaName IN varchar2 := null,
     targetNameSpace IN varchar2 := null,
     dbUrlPrefix IN varchar2 := null, 
     processingIns IN varchar2 := null) RETURN SELF AS RESULT
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