procedure is not recommended by SAP.
Open NWDS and J2EE
perspective. Create a web module project and an enterprise
application project.
Extract b2b.ear (or another one) into
temp directory. Two xml files in META-INF dir application.xml and
application-j2ee-engine.xml required for your enterprise app.
project. You must modify your xml files from this files. But app
names must be your app names.
Later extract b2b.war to
another directory. Open NWDS web module project tree. Right click on
webcontent and choose import file. Import all directories except
WEB-INF. Later rght click on WEB-INF and import only web-inf
In web.xml and web-j2ee-engine.xml files app name
must your app name.
Add web modu?e project your ent. app.
project and build ent. app project. and deploy