English course
01 My family
02 Conversation
03 Our House
04 Conversation
05 Our sitting room
06 Conversation
07 Comparisons
08 Another talk
09 Visitors
10 Afternoon tea
11 The Browns' dining room
12 Dinner table talk
13 My bedroom
14 Morning and evening
15 The hotel
16 Booking rooms
17 At the resaurant
18 Ordering a meal
19 Numerals: time and date
20 Days and months. Asking the time.
21 English money
22 At the bank
23 Postal services
24 At the post office
25 Travelling
26 At the station
27 Travelling by sea and air
28 On the boat
29 A street in London
30 Asking the way
31 A visit to London
32 Sightseeing
33 The big stores
34 Shopping
35 The tailor and dressmaker
36 Ordering new clothes
37 At the tobacconist's
38 Buying cigarettes
39 The barber and the hairdresser
40 I go to the barber's
41 The seasons
42 Sport and games
43.1 A holiday in the country
43.2 Work on the farm
44.1 At the seeside
44.2 Planning a holiday
45.1 Motoring
45.2 Trouble with the car
46.1 Commerce and industry
46.2 A business interview
47.1 Doctor. Dentist and chemist
47.2 A visit to the doctor
48.1 Radio and television
48.2 Broadcast programmes
49.1 Theaters, Music hall and cinemas
49.2 At the thaeter
A few words about English literature
Reading exercises